
Monday, August 29, 2011

This is a good idea


The last time I watched the news (This morning) our economy was still in the shitter, and when I looked to our politicians they were all too busy spitting out useless rhetoric to actually do something about our sagging job market. Just when I was about to give up on finding some positive news, and give in to my rabid facebook addiction, I ran into this article. In it President Barack Obama is praising the state of Georgia for their unique job program, while at the same time cryptically mentioning that it may be in his jobs plan. here is a look at what the article said.

 Instead of collecting a check while looking for work, Georgia has a program to give the unemployed on-the-job training. It has caught the eye of President Obama.
The Georgia Works program allows those receiving unemployment insurance to be placed at a local company for up to eight weeks of training. Participants don't get paid, but they do get to keep their jobless benefits and receive a stipend of up to $240 for transportation and other expenses.

 Now before you get too excited understand that a program like this would need the proper amount of funding, and we've seen how excited our politicians are to fund things that are good for those in need, and we must also note that the program has had mixed reviews in Georgia, but I'll let the article explain that.

The program has received mixed reviews from unemployment advocates and economists though. Some question whether it really helps the jobless return to work, while others are concerned about the quality of training participants receive.
Also, the state has had to dramatically scale back the program as officials seek the money needed to continue it. Georgia Works' financial troubles began last fall when the labor department increased the stipend to $600, from $300, and opened it up to anyone without a job, not only those receiving benefits. That expansion essentially drained the programs of funds within a few months, forcing officials to cut back the stipend to $240 and restrict it once again to those getting unemployment checks.

If we could find a nice medium for this program in every state, I think that we would be in a lot better shape. One of my biggest frustrations in the world, is having to go to work every day, while people who are on unemployment collect a free pay check every two weeks for zero to no labor. Imagine if they were able to get some work experience while doing this?
The best part about it is if they do well enough, that company may ask them to stay for a permanent position. Similar to what happened to a quarter of the people who have done this program in Georgia.

Since the inception of Georgia Works in 2003, more than 23,000 participants have completed training programs at more than 16,500 employers. A quarter of them were hired at the firm by the end of the eight weeks, while nearly 60% were employed somewhere within three months of completing the program, state labor officials said.

At this point in the game we really have to do whatever we can to get this economy going, a program like this is something that would not hurt to try. What do you guys think.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

We've Heard This Song Before

                                                        U.S. President Barack Obama delivers a statement on the lowering of the U.S. credit rating and the Afghan helicopter crash in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, August 8, 2011. REUTERS/Jason Reed

So while getting my usual political fix for the day, I stumbled across an article posted on yahoo's main page. It was a comment from Obama where while speaking to a crowd of supporters states that he inherited the economy. Here is exactly what he said:

"We do have a serious problem in terms of debt and deficit, and much of it I inherited" 

He then went on to say that the financial crisis made things worse, as well as the instability in finances for Europe . 

"What's absolutely true, even before these last couple days in the stock market, is that recovery wasn't happening fast enough, when you have problems in Europe and in Spain and in Italy and in Greece, those problems wash over into our shores," 

I would be lying if I said that Obama isn't right, but at this point in the game we do not need excuses from our commander in Chief, we need solutions or at the very least some suggestions. As a Liberal voter he has not done much to make me want to support him, and he has shown very little skill in negotiating with congress. So what he does now over the next year will weigh heavily on weather I vote for him again or not. I really want to believe that Obama is as great as we all believed, but over these past few months he has seriously made me doubt him. We need for the excuses to stop, and for some serious action to be taken, because if I get stuck with a shitty republican president who hates poor people, minorities, and middle class families, I will count his presidency as a failure.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Any One Surprised By This?


Just a day after America's Triple A credit rating was dropped down to a AA+ China came out in the media taking some very pointed shots at the United States government. Its a shame, I cant even be upset, we put our-self in this mess. Here is what China said:

The U.S. government has to come to terms with the painful fact that the good old days when it could just borrow its way out of messes of its own making are finally gone..China, the largest creditor of the world's sole superpower, has every right now to demand the United States address its structural debt problems and ensure the safety of China's dollar assets..

  At this point I wouldn't be surprised if we were all speaking Chinese by the year 2015 -_-

Friday, August 5, 2011

Riddle Me This

I would like to take a moment to explain something to you my friends. The concept is very simple actually. If you have a certain level of expenses and decide to cut the amount of revenue that you can bring in, more then likely you will eventually find yourself in debt. Yes you can decide to lower or even eliminate some of your expenses but which expenses are you going to cut from? Will you take money from your food budget, or your transportation budget? There is no negotiating rent, so the only things left to do is cut from items that may not seem as important to others but will have a huge impact on your daily life.

So if it is at all possible, along with making some very painful cuts to your expenses, you should also be looking for ways to increase the amount of money you bring in, and if there was a simple way to do that would you make that choice and increase the amount of revenue you brought in? I think so..

Now that you have solved this puzzle, explain to me why the same Republicans who claim they so badly want to recover the economy refuse to incorporate a economic recovery plan that would incorporate cuts, along with tax increases on the rich (People who can obviously afford it) I dont want to strip hard working people of their money, but they currently pay the lowest tax rates since only god knows when. Why not change this, are my opinions Un American somehow?

Welcome To My World

This, in a perfect world will be the place where I finally have the opportunity to share my opinion on all things. To be honest, in an even more perfect world this will be the blog where I formulate and share my opinion on all things political. I hope that whoever is reading this right now, is excited for what is to come next, and I also hope that you decide to subscribe to this blog and visit it frequently. So please kick back relax, and enjoy everything that I have to offer. I think I'm a liberal and I usually have the same ideology as most liberals, but that dosent mean that this is going to be a completely liberally driven blog. Have no worries, you will see. But for now, take a look at this video that a friend posted on facebook. Its Republican Governor of New Jersey possibly losing some republican voters by defending a Muslim American Man. I was very proud of this moment.